Its been a great weekend for us at Roy Was Here! we are now selling our clothing at Mark-it at 525 West Pender St. A big thanks to the owner, Cam for helping us out. Mark-it also has a great selection of other independent lines of clothing as well as some pretty sweet accessories so check out Cams store!
new shirts fresh off the press!
1 Comments Josh was here on Saturday, November 15, 2008 at 11:44 AM.

i've finally completed the second design and some additional color selections for both designs! we are very excited at roy was here to get these shirts out in stores and onto our website. currently we are building a temporary website at BigCartel so we can get going online until our website is completed.
I am currently releasing a design by local photographer/artist Emily Haggar and another by Gillian Cole within the next couple of weeks so keep posted as i will be posting pictures of progress and some art by these fantastic artists!
OK so the first line of shirts have been printed! Heres some photos of the process and the finished product! we're currently working on our second line and have gotten some submissions from a couple new local artists! we're very excited for the next few months as new submissions roll in! our first design submission is from local Vancouver artist Gillian Cole and her designs will be out in print and on our shirts in the next couple weeks. We're also currently working on launching our website very soon so keep checkin
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to find out more! Oh, and please excuse the picture quality! They were direct phone pictures at a wopping 1mp so unfortunatly theyre quite grainy. Currently a call for sumissions in the Vancouver area is underway! If you are a local artist and would like your work considered for print please contact us here at Roy Was Here for more info!